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Course Details

Antitrust (Hovenkamp)

Fall 2024   LAW 607-001  

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Herbert Hovenkamp

James G. Dinan University Professor

Additional Information

Skills Training

100% Exam,
Other (Students may be graded down for consistent lack of preparation or excessive absence)

Multiple Choice,
In Class,
Open-Book (Open book, but there will be no internet access, so your materials should be either in hard copy or stored locally on your laptop.)

Satisfies Senior Writing Requirement



Class meets in person.

Course Continuity
Students are encouraged to stay home if you are ill or experience flu-like symptoms. If you miss a class for any reason, it is still your responsibility to make up the work missed.

I offer the following to students who miss class due to illness:

- Class sessions are regularly recorded. I will make these recordings routinely available on the course site to everyone in the class.

- I will make PowerPoint slides or other class materials routinely available on the course site to everyone in the class.

Meeting Times/Location
MW 9:00AM - 10:20AM
Tanenbaum Hall 145




The course, which is ordinarily taught in the fall semester, considers the basic principles of federal antitrust law, focusing on practices that are forbidden by the Sherman Act. It will examine the law of exclusionary practices by dominant firms ("monopolization" and attempt to monopolize), horizontal restraints (including price fixing, joint ventures, and other forms of collusion); and some elements of private enforcement. We will also spend some time on monopolization cases against the large digital platform companies. No previous knowledge of economics is necessary. To the extent time is available, the final sessions will be devoted to hot topics of current interest. A complimentary course, offered in the spring semester, focuses on mergers (horizontal and vertical), antitrust and intellectual property, and vertical restraints. The courses are not cumulative. Students may take either or both and in any sequence. In addition to the assigned book some materials will be distributed via Canvas.

Course Concentrations

Business and Corporate Law Learning outcomes: Demonstrate a core understanding of business and corporate law; Perform legal analysis in the context of business and corporate law; Communicate effectively on topics related to business and corporate law; Demonstrate an understanding of the interconnection between the world of business and finance and that of business and corporate law, and how they affect other areas of law and society.

Courts and the Judicial System Learning outcomes: Demonstrate a core understanding of both substantive and procedural issues in the operation of our legal system; Perform legal analysis in the context of procedural issues and the judicial process; Communicate effectively on topics related to procedure and the judicial process; Demonstrate an understanding of how procedural issues and the judicial process affect all other area of our legal system.

Intellectual Property and Technology Law Learning outcomes: Demonstrate a core understanding of intellectual property law; Perform legal analysis in the context of intellectual property law; Communicate effectively on topics related to intellectual property; Demonstrate an understanding of the interconnection between technology and intellectual property, and how they affect other areas of law and society.

Perspectives on the Law Learning outcomes: Demonstrate an understanding of how the law affects, and is affected by, the individual course topic; Perform legal analysis in the context of the individual course topic; Communicate effectively on the legal and other aspects of the individual course topic; Demonstrate the ability to use other disciplines to analyze legal issues relevant to the individual course topic, including economics, philosophy, and sociology, as appropriate.

Administrative and Regulatory Law Learning outcomes: Demonstrate a core understanding of administrative and regulatory law and the administrative process, including the role of statutory authorization and work of administrative agencies; Perform legal analysis in the context of administrative and regulatory law; Communicate effectively on topics related to administrative and regulatory law; Demonstrate an understanding of the role administrative and regulatory law play in our legal system and in society as a whole.


Edition: 7th 2024
Publisher: West Academic
ISBN: 9781684674350

"Tech Monopoly" by Herbert Hovenkamp
Edition: 1st
Publisher: MIT Press
ISBN: 9780262548748