S Course Finder • Penn Carey Law

Course Details

Business Management for Lawyers (Wharton Cert)

Fall 2024   LAW 550-001  

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Rahul Kapoor

Associate Professor of Management

Additional Information

Skills Training
Team Projects
Other Professional Skills:

Satisfies Senior Writing Requirement



Class meets in person.

Meeting Times/Location
UFS 8:30AM - 6:30PM



Upon successful completion of the Business Management for Lawyers course, students will be awarded the Certificate in Management (WCM) from Wharton and earn three (3) law school credit hours towards the JD. This course will be offered twice over the Fall (*it will NOT be offered over Spring semester*) and registration for either session is required during Fall Advanced Registration.

The course will be offered as follows: Session 1 - November 15, 16, 17, 22, 23, 2024; and Session 2 - January 6-10, 2025. The three (3) law school credits will be attributed to your Fall schedule for either session.

Business Management for Lawyers is designed to increase the business skills and leadership capabilities of upper-level law students who aspire to lead key parts of a business, non-profit, agency, or firm and form the pool of future top leadership of any organization. Participants will: •Advance their strategic decision making capabilities to think faster and more creatively about current competitive strategies and solutions. •Deepen understanding of organizational dynamics to improve the design and implementation of new initiatives and avoid destructive conflicts. •Build capabilities for leading teams across functions. •Develop knowledge in core areas of running an enterprise, including marketing, management, strategy and finance, particularly the understanding of how financial data is generated and reported, as well as how it is used for decision making, analysis, and valuation. The focus will be on how these core areas connect to other disciplines based on current research and best practice. The WCM is designed by Wharton's Aresty Institute of Executive Education, in conjunction with the University of Pennsylvania Law School. The WCM is taught by Wharton professors.

This certificate/course counts as two (2) of the four (4) non-law courses paid for by Penn Carey Law and permitted towards the JD.

This certificate/course is graded pass/fail.

There is a certificate fee associated with the WCM; the charge will be billed to your account at the conclusion of the course. If a student gets a spot in this course, they will be sent a pre-enrollment survey. This survey must be filled out before the end of add/drop in order to finalize enrollment.

This course is all day and students are expected to be present for every class or else they may not be eligible for the certificate from Wharton.

Classes will be held on the Wharton campus. Based on this condensed format, there may be no add/drop period.

This certificate is not recommended for students who have undergraduate degrees and/or prior work experience in business or finance. It was developed to expose law students with minimal background and/or experience to these areas.

This certificate is for Penn Carey Law JD Candidates only. 1Ls are not eligible to enroll.

Course Concentrations

Business and Corporate Law Learning outcomes: Demonstrate a core understanding of business and corporate law; Perform legal analysis in the context of business and corporate law; Communicate effectively on topics related to business and corporate law; Demonstrate an understanding of the interconnection between the world of business and finance and that of business and corporate law, and how they affect other areas of law and society.

Skills Learning outcomes: Demonstrate an understanding of the individual course skill; Demonstrate the ability to receive and implement feedback; Demonstrate an understanding of how and when the individual course skill is employed in practice.