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Course Details

Civil Procedure (Struve) - Sec 1B

Fall 2023   LAW 500-003  

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Catherine Struve

David E. Kaufman & Leopold C. Glass Professor of Law

Additional Information

Skills Training

99% Exam,
1% Other (Credit will be given, to a limited extent, for informed class participation.)

Short Answer,
In Class,
Partial Open Book (Students can consult any materials that are printed or written on paper.)

Satisfies Senior Writing Requirement



Class meets in person.

Course Continuity
Students are encouraged to stay home if you are ill or experience flu-like symptoms. If you miss a class for any reason, it is still your responsibility to make up the work missed.

I offer the following to students who miss class due to illness:

- Class sessions are regularly recorded. I will make these recordings routinely available on the course site to everyone in the class.

Meeting Times/Location
MTW 10:30AM - 11:45AM
Silverman Hall 240B



This course is devoted to a consideration of the basic problems of civil procedure. Pleading, discovery, multi-party actions, trial practice, and judgments are considered in terms of function and technique. The course is also designed to introduce the student to underlying problems such as jurisdiction, the choice of law in the federal system, and the role of courts as lawmaking institutions.

Course Concentrations

Courts and the Judicial System Learning outcomes: Demonstrate a core understanding of both substantive and procedural issues in the operation of our legal system; Perform legal analysis in the context of procedural issues and the judicial process; Communicate effectively on topics related to procedure and the judicial process; Demonstrate an understanding of how procedural issues and the judicial process affect all other area of our legal system.


"Pleading and Procedure, Cases and Materials, 12th" by Hazard, Fletcher, Bundy, & Bradt
Edition: 12th (2020)
Publisher: Foundation Press
ISBN: 9781642427622

"Spencer's Federal Civil Rules Supplement, 2023-2024" by A. Benjamin Spencer
Edition: 2023-2024 (04/24/2023)
Publisher: West Academic
ISBN: 9798887860329

"Examples & Explanations for Civil Procedure" by Joseph W. Glannon
Edition: 9th (2/1/2023)
Publisher: Aspen Pub
ISBN: 9781543839333