S Course Finder • Penn Carey Law

Course Details

Cross-Border M&A (Casey/Petepiece)

Fall 2024   LAW 901-001  

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Additional Information

Skills Training
Other Professional Skills:

20% Participation,
80% Exam

Short Answer,
Take Home,

Satisfies Senior Writing Requirement



Class meets in person.

Meeting Times/Location
F 12:30PM - 2:30PM
Silverman Hall 240B



Prof. George Casey Prof. Scott Petepiece

The M&A marketplace has become increasingly global. Companies make acquisitions outside of their home country, buy and sell global businesses and enter into joint venture transactions. The class will expose students to legal aspects of negotiating M&A transactions across national borders with a particular emphasis on how to structure public cross-border transactions in compliance with both the US securities laws and the laws of the acquired company’s home country, and how to negotiate private M&A transactions and joint ventures. The seminar is designed for students interested in transactional work and for those who are interested in global aspects of corporate work. The class will bring awareness of extra-territorial reach of securities laws and will include specific case studies of transactions in developed and developing countries.

Corporations is a prerequisite (for LLM students, an equivalent class or experience in corporate law in their home country satisfies this requirement). Securities Regulation is advised, but not required.

Course Concentrations

Business and Corporate Law Learning outcomes: Demonstrate a core understanding of business and corporate law; Perform legal analysis in the context of business and corporate law; Communicate effectively on topics related to business and corporate law; Demonstrate an understanding of the interconnection between the world of business and finance and that of business and corporate law, and how they affect other areas of law and society.