Detkin IP & Technology Clinic (Dahl)
Meeting Times/Location
MW 1:30PM - 2:50PM
Golkin Hall 238
This clinical course challenges students to straddle the worlds of law, business, technology and the arts as they apply theory to practice by taking primary responsibility for live-client IP matters. Working out of the Gittis Center, Penn Law’s teaching law firm, students represent clients with a broad range of transactional patent, copyright, trademark, trade secret, data and privacy issues. The clients are specifically chosen to deepen student understanding of different IP law career settings. Clients vary by size, focus and industry to provide a rich experience for the class, and may include scientists, entrepreneurs, artists, and large and small for-profit and non-profit entities. A central client for the Clinic is Penn's Center for Innovation. A simultaneous seminar provides a supportive and dynamic learning environment for students to develop and practice essential skills -- including interviewing, drafting, negotiating, and client counseling -- through simulations and exercises. The Clinic also provides opportunities to interact with students from other professional schools and members of the Philadelphia Bar formally and informally to deepen students’ professional understanding of how to be an effective counselor in business, technical and arts-oriented settings. Case rounds and weekly supervisory sessions with experienced faculty-practitioners reinforce and expand concepts presented in cases, and give students a chance to reflect upon and deepen their understanding of ethical, practical and substantive issues. Note: Students need not have a scientific or technical background to apply. However, because some of the client matters do cover scientific or technical subject matter, registration to the Clinic is by application only to ensure a certain percentage of students with the appropriate expertise. This course assumes some familiarity with the legal subject matter, so students should have taken either Introduction to Intellectual Property or one of either Patent Law, Copyright Law or Trademark Law. Students enrolled in joint or dual degrees or certificates in business or the sciences are especially encouraged to apply. The Clinic application is found at The deadline for applying is December 1, 2021 (if you are not admitted into the Clinic, you will have a decision before course registration preferences are due). Because clients are chosen in part to match the interests of the students enrolled, once you accept a spot in the Clinic, you may not drop the course. Students may apply their enrollment in the Clinic toward their pro bono requirement, but will receive one fewer credit for the Clinic. **For the Spring 2021 semester, all sessions will be conducted remotely**
Skills Learning outcomes: Demonstrate an understanding of the individual course skill; Demonstrate the ability to receive and implement feedback; Demonstrate an understanding of how and when the individual course skill is employed in practice.
Intellectual Property and Technology Law Learning outcomes: Demonstrate a core understanding of intellectual property law; Perform legal analysis in the context of intellectual property law; Communicate effectively on topics related to intellectual property; Demonstrate an understanding of the interconnection between technology and intellectual property, and how they affect other areas of law and society.
"Essential Lawyering Skills: Counseling, Negotiation, and Persuasive Fact Analysis" by Stefan H. Krieger, Neumann Jr. |