Lawyering and Technology (Wolson)
Meeting Times/Location
R 4:30PM - 6:20PM
Silverman Hall 280
As technology evolves, it changes the way that lawyers practice. At the same time, the ABA has mandated that lawyers keep abreast of benefits and risks from relevant technology. In this class, we will explore practical questions about technology in your practice. The class will discuss how to maintain a work-life balance in a world where you are connected to your job 24/7. We will tackle questions of how technology can affect your career, including whether social medial is a benefit or a drawback to career advancement. (Spoiler alert: it can be both!) The class will also examine a range of issues surrounding work-from-home arrangements, including the pros and cons of working from home vs. coming to the office, ethical issues that working from home can present, and practical considerations of how to build a functioning home office to enable you to have a successful practice. And we will address technological tools that you should use, and others that you should avoid for various reasons.
Skills Learning outcomes: Demonstrate an understanding of the individual course skill; Demonstrate the ability to receive and implement feedback; Demonstrate an understanding of how and when the individual course skill is employed in practice.