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Course Details

ML: Health Law and Comparative Health Systems - Online (Ruger/Corbett)

Summer 2024   LAW 556-301  

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Theodore Ruger

Dean Emeritus and John H. Chestnut Professor of Law

Angus Corbett

Adjunct Professor

Additional Information

Skills Training
Other Professional Skills:

35% Exam,
40% Paper,
25% Other (Each component of the Health Law and Comparative Health Systems Overview course contributes equally to the final grade of the course. The Health Law and Comparative Health Systems components each rely a different mode of assessment. The following is the detailed outline for each component: Health Law Fundamentals Exam 70% Quizes 30% Comparative Health Systems Paper 80% Class Posts 20% )

Short Answer,
Take Home,

Satisfies Senior Writing Requirement



Class meets online.

Course Continuity
Students are encouraged to stay home if you are ill or experience flu-like symptoms. If you miss a class for any reason, it is still your responsibility to make up the work missed.

I offer the following to students who miss class due to illness:

- Class sessions are regularly recorded. I will make these recordings routinely available on the course site to everyone in the class.

Meeting Times/Location

Masters in Law


Health Law and Comparative Health Systems Overview is a course with two components. Professor Ted Ruger will teach the first component covering Health Law. Adjunct Professor Angus Corbett will teach the second component covering Comparative Health Systems. Both components of this course will use recorded lectures as the primary mode of instruction. Each component of the course also includes three synchronous classes.

The aim of including these two components in a single course is to provide students with a general understanding of the interaction between health law, health policy, and health systems. In a very general way, the Health Law component of the course provides an overview of the main components of the health system, that is, the legal framework that supports the institutions and individuals that provide, fund, and regulate the activities associated with providing health care. The Comparative Health Systems component of the course then provides an overview of how a health system emerges out of the activities of these institutions and individuals in the United States. This component of the course uses a comparative analysis of health systems in a range of high and middle-income countries to identify some of the central features of the health system in the United States. It achieves this by comparing the features of the health system in the United States with those that emerge in these high and middle-income countries.

Health Law and Comparative Health Systems Overview includes a syllabus that applies to each component of the course. There is a syllabus for the Health Law component and for the Comparative Health Systems component. Each syllabus provides an outline of the mode of teaching and the forms of assessment for the corresponding component of the course.

All students enrolled in Health Law and Comparative Health Systems Overview will need to complete the requirements for both the Health Law and the Comparative Health Systems components of the course. It is therefore important to ensure that students carefully read the syllabus for the Health Law component and for the syllabus for Comparative Health Systems component. The course is organized in this way because each of the professors teaching this course is using different forms of assessment to encourage different approaches to using and analyzing the materials covered in each of the components of the course. This does impose added work for students to follow diligently the differing requirements in each of the components but ultimately this also facilitates the goals of the course. It is designed to provide an overview of the way law frames the elements of the health system and how the health system emerges out the interactions between those elements.

Course Concentrations

Health Law Learning outcomes: Demonstrate a core understanding of health law and policy; Perform legal analysis in the context of health law and policy; Communicate effectively on topics related to health law and policy; Demonstrate an understanding of the interconnection among health law and policy and issues of access to services, public and private financing of health industries, and the political and economic issues surrounding issues of health law and health services.

Perspectives on the Law Learning outcomes: Demonstrate an understanding of how the law affects, and is affected by, the individual course topic; Perform legal analysis in the context of the individual course topic; Communicate effectively on the legal and other aspects of the individual course topic; Demonstrate the ability to use other disciplines to analyze legal issues relevant to the individual course topic, including economics, philosophy, and sociology, as appropriate.


"Which Country Has the World's Best Health Care" by Ezekiel J. Emanuel
Edition: June 16, 2020
Publisher: Hachette Book Group
ISBN: 9781541797734