Trial Advocacy (Thompson)
Meeting Times/Location
R 6:40PM - 8:30PM
Tanenbaum Hall 142
This course will teach students the basic skills necessary to try jury cases effectively. Specifically, students will learn how to develop a cogent theory of the case, present opening statements and closing arguments, prepare and examine witnesses, introduce physical and documentary evidence, and object to evidence and when to do so. Primarily, students will learn these skills by practicing them. The course will include video-taped exercises followed by instructor critiques. The culminating activity for the course will be mock trials in federal court. Students will get the most from this course if they have already taken Evidence. Regular attendance, thoughtful preparation, and full participation in exercises and discussion are mandatory. The course is graded credit/fail only.
Skills Learning outcomes: Demonstrate an understanding of the individual course skill; Demonstrate the ability to receive and implement feedback; Demonstrate an understanding of how and when the individual course skill is employed in practice.
Courts and the Judicial System Learning outcomes: Demonstrate a core understanding of both substantive and procedural issues in the operation of our legal system; Perform legal analysis in the context of procedural issues and the judicial process; Communicate effectively on topics related to procedure and the judicial process; Demonstrate an understanding of how procedural issues and the judicial process affect all other area of our legal system.
"Addison v. Peyton: Case File, Trial Materials" by Boals, Elizabeth |