Writing for Practice (Gowen)
Meeting Times/Location
R 1:00PM - 2:59PM
Tanenbaum Hall 320
This quarter-long, advanced writing course is taught in a seminar format, and it builds on the research, writing, and editing skills taught in the first-year Legal Practice Skills course. The course uses a series of shorter research, analysis, and writing assignments to teach three essential lawyering skills for junior-level litigators: (1) the nuts and bolts of distilling complex research and analysis into a short, substantive email; (2) how to work with primary documents, court filings, and research results to identify legal issues, frame an argument effectively, and think strategically on the client’s behalf; and (3) how to organize complex research results and succinctly present work in face-to-face meetings. Students will be graded on three short writing assignments, one in-person presentation, and their overall class participation/professionalism. In addition to written feedback on each writing assignment, students will receive feedback at individual conferences. Students will complete writing and editing assignments both inside and out of class. Because of the participatory nature of the course, class attendance is essential.
Skills Learning outcomes: Demonstrate an understanding of the individual course skill; Demonstrate the ability to receive and implement feedback; Demonstrate an understanding of how and when the individual course skill is employed in practice.